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Speaking of antioxidants, we all know that antioxidants are very important to kill bacteria and fight free radicals that can damage healthy cells in the body. Antioxidants protect the body's cells by breaking the chain of free radical formation, as well as increase overall endurance.

Some of the benefits of consuming high antioxidant foods include: 
Reduce the risk of cancer Slows down aging
Detoxify or cleanse toxins in the body 
Makes healthy looking skin glowing, and 
Prolong life

  Our body can actually produce some important antioxidants such as Glutathione, Alfa-Lipoic Acid (ALA), and CoQ10. Only, this natural antioxidant protection will decrease with age. Some antioxidants also can not be produced by the body, so we need to get them from foods that contain antioxidants. 

Do you know?
Antioxidants are molecules that can inhibit the oxidation reactions of other molecules. Although oxidation is actually important for life, this process can be harmful if it involves free radicals and causes oxidative stress. 
The resulting cellular damage is often associated with various diseases such as cancer, heart, dementia, and more. Many nutritionists believe that it is better and natural than taking supplements. 
Antioxidants are mainly found in fresh fruits and vegetables. However, the type and amount of the content is not always the same. Some types of antioxidants can even be found only in certain foods. The best way is to include these foods into your diet / daily diet. Moreover, high-antioxidant foods are usually rich in other nutrients, giving many other benefits to the body and health. What foods are rich in antioxidants important to your body? Check out the following list:

1. BLUEBERRY Blueberries are often dubbed as superfruit with the highest antioxidant content among other fruits. No wonder, antioxidants are diverse, ranging from anthocyanidin, tannin, myricetin, quercetin, kaempferol, pterostilbene, chlorogenic acid, vitamin C, A, to resveratrol. Antosianidin is an antioxidant that has the potential to alleviate inflammation and prevent cancer and heart attacks. Meanwhile, vitamin C and A are essential for maintaining the immune system.

2. STRAWBERRY Berries, especially those that are red like strawberries and raspberries, are rich in elagat acid. The results of a study published in the Journal of Nutrition reveal that this elagat acid can increase the ability of quercetin (antioxidants in apples, blueberries, grapes, etc.) to kill cancer cells. Another study in 2011 showed that strawberries can increase levels of antioxidants in the blood. Strawberries are equipped with vitamin C and other phenolics that can help lower bad cholesterol levels. 

3. CRANBERRY In addition to blueberries and strawberries, high antioxidants are also owned by other berries such as blackberries, black currants, goji berries, and cranberries. Cranberries have a unique combination of phenolic antioxidants, proanthocyanidins, anthocyanins, flavonoids, and triterpenoids. No less unique is the synergy of antioxidant resveratrol, piceatannl, and pterostilbene in it. The benefits of cranberry antioxidants can be obtained optimally if all these combinations are available. If cranberry processing interferes with any of these components, the health benefits may be decreased. 

4. WINE Fruit that has been cultivated since about 6 - 8 thousand years ago has a variety of antioxidants that are beneficial to health. The most prominent is resveratrol, which can protect the brain and nervous system. Resveratrol also effectively prevents degenerative diseases, inhibits cancer cell development, lowers blood pressure, and maintains cardiovascular health and elasticity of blood vessels. Grapes also contain anthocyanins, proanthocyanidins, quercetin tannins, kaempferol, zeaxanthin, lutein, beta carotene, etc. Antosianin is more abundant in red and black grapes, whereas tannins are higher in concentration in green grapes.

5. CHERRY Although small, cherries have many important nutrients for the body. Both sweet and sour cherries are rich in antioxidants such as beta carotene, lutein, zeaxanthin, melatonin, and anthocyanin. This antioxidant content is generally higher in acidic cherries, as well as the concentrations of vitamin C and A per 100 grams. Antosianin can fight free radicals by tying them to DNA or activating the detoxification system as well as antioxidants in the body. Several studies have shown that anthocyanins can prevent the transformation of healthy cells into cancer cells, slow the proliferation of cancer cells, and alleviate inflammation and pain.

6. Pomegranate is known for its polyphenol content, especially anthocyanin which increases as the fruit ripens. Other polyphenols contained in the flesh such as tannin, punikalgin, cyanidin, and pelargonidin glycosides. Vitamin C per 100 grams it reached 17% of daily needs. Not only in the flesh, antioxidants are also widely found in pomegranate skin so often extracted and used as a supplement.

7. ORANGE Citrus and other citrus fruits such as lemons are synonymous with high vitamin C content. Fruit with a fresh sweet sour taste also has beta carotene, beta cryptoxnthin, zeaxanthin, lutein, hydroxisinamat acid, anthocyanin, etc. Vitamin C and A in oranges are beneficial for strengthening the immune system.
Citrus fruits include WHO recommended fruits to be included in the cardiovascular disease prevention diet. Meanwhile, the results of a study of 48 studies by CSRIO America showed that a diet equipped with citrus fruits can provide protection against some cancers significantly.

8. APPLE Several types of antioxidants you can get in an apple, ranging from beta carotene, quercetin, to vitamin C. Quercetin is a flavonoid that has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compounds. This compound can prevent the formation of complex carbohydrate breaking enzymes into simple. Other polyphenols in apples also help lower the absorption of glucose by the digestive system and stimulate insulin, making it good for diabetics.
In addition, regular apple consumption has the potential to reduce the risk of lung cancer in women up to 21% based on research conducted Harvard Medical School.

9. PAPAYA No less with oranges and lemons, vitamin C content in papaya is very high, reaching 103% of daily needs per 100 grams of it. Not to mention, papaya also contains carotenoids, beta carotene, vitamin E, lycopene, pectin, and polyphenols as antioxidants.

10. Vitamin C and its carotenoids help prevent clogging of blood vessels by cholesterol so as to avoid heart attacks and strokes. Vitamin C, E, and beta carotene also have the potential to provide protection against macular degeneration and colon cancer. Meanwhile, lycopene is believed to reduce the risk of prostate cancer in men up to 82%.

11. MANGOSTEEN More than 40 types of Xhanthones are present in the mangosteen fruit, with their respective importance functions. Among them are alpha mangostin which has antioxidant compounds and garcinone E as anti-tumor agent. Mangosteen also contains catechins, quinones, stilbene, polysacchides, and polyphenols that act as powerful antioxidants and anti-inflammatories.
In Thailand, one study revealed that alpha mangostin, beta mangostin, and garcinone B in mangosteen helped inhibit TB-causing bacterial infections. Meanwhile, the results of a study published in the "Nutrition Journal" showed that regular consumption of mangosteen juice helps to reduce inflammation in the blood.

12. GUAVA The content of vitamin C guava is among the highest among other fruits. Per 100 grams, guava can meet about 3 times daily needs. Guava also contains carotenoids and vitamin E. In addition, there are some polyphenols such as galokatokin, leukosianidin, and lycopene are higher in red guava.
One study showed that guava allegedly able to prevent the development of breast cancer cells and reduce the risk of prostate cancer, allegedly because of its lycopene content. Its anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties help nourish digestion, protect the intestines from carcinogens, and relieve some digestive problems such as diarrhea, dysentery, and gastroenteritis.

13. AVOCADO The fruit is often processed into juice contains alpha carotene, beta carotene, beta cryptoxanthin, lutein, to zeaxanthin which has antioxidant compounds. The benefits of avocado for health are very high, especially in improving the immune system and preventing degenerative vision problems.

14. MANGO Mango is able to meet about 46% daily requirement of vitamin C and 25,5% vitamin A per 100 gram it. Beta carotene in it is very abundant, visible from its orange flesh. Not to mention, mangoes also have lutein, zeazanthin, lycopene, pectin, mangiferin, xanthonoid, and gala acid.
Studies from the Institute for Food Research show that pectin can help prevent prostate cancer cell growth. Sedankgan study from Texas Agrilife research revealed that mango can provide protection against colon cancer, breast, blood, and lungs.

KIWI The most prominent of the kiwi is its vitamin C that is able to meet 1.5 times daily requirement per 100 g. Fruit that is identical with New Zealand also has vitamin A, beta carotene, lutein, zeaxanthin, and catechins.
One study showed that the quality of kiwi antioxidants is stronger than oranges. Kiwi is also often used in China as a traditional medicine to treat liver, breast, lung, and stomach cancer

15. KURMA Fruit is synonymous with this fasting month has several antioxidant compounds such as tannins, beta carotene, lutein, and zeaxanthin are good for maintaining eye health. Dates are often used as a traditional medicine to treat night blindness. Dates also have anti-inflammatory agents that help lower inflammation along with magnesium.

16. TOMATO Fruit that can also be categorized as a vegetable is one of the main sources of antioxidant lycopene. Studies show that lycopene is stronger than vitamin E and beta carotene in warding off disease. Tomatoes are also rich in vitamin C that helps increase endurance.

17. BROCCOLI No less with fruits, broccoli rich in vitamin C, A, beta carotene, and zeaxanthin that serves as an antioxidant. Broccoli also has sulforphane phytonutrients that could potentially reduce the risk of some cancers. Kaempferol, quercetin, and anthocyanin in them also have anti-inflammatory effects and can slow the development of cancer cells.

18. CABBAGE Cabbage is probably one of the most common vegetables you consume. Although the color looks brighter and not as green as other vegetables, no need to worry because cabbage also contains many nutrients and antioxidants. Vegetables are also called cabbage is rich in vitamin C and polyphenols. Red or purple cabbage also contains an anthocyanin that gives it a unique color.

19. ASPARAGUS Asparagus may not be as popular as vegetables in Indonesia. However, the vegetables consumed by the young shoots are rich in phytonutrients that are useful as anti-inflammatories such as saponins, quercetin, routine, and kaempferol. Asparagus also has antioxidant beta carotene, vitamin C, and E. Studies even show that asparagus contains glutathione produced by the body.

20. SPINACH No wonder Popeye taught us to eat spinach. This green leafy vegetable turned out to be nutrients and antioxidants. Spinach contains vitamin C, E, A, calcium, magnesium, and potassium. Beta carotene, lutein, zeaxanthin including carotenoids it has. Spinach also comes with kaempferol which helps widen the blood vessels so that it expands blood flow and lowers blood pressure.

21. SAWI Like spinach, mustard greens are also rich in antioxidants. Sawi is an excellent source of carotenoids, saponins, and flavonoids. Sawi and other green leafy vegetables include one of the food groups recommended by the American Institute for Cancer Research to fight cancer.

AICR experts report revealed that foods with carotenoids could potentially protect the body from cancers of the mouth, throat, and throat. Several lab studies suggest that carotenoids in green leafy vegetables can slow the growth of breast, skin, lung, and stomach cancer cells.

22. CELERY Vitamin C, beta carotene, and manganese are some of the antioxidants contained in celery. However, what makes it stand out is the variety of phytonutrients in it. Some of these phytonutrients include antioxidant phenolics and have anti-inflammatory properties. 

23. SOY Soy contains a variety of active compounds and phytochemicals. Among these are isoflavones that mimic the work of the hormone estrogen, saponins that provide protection against cancer and lower cholesterol, phenolic acid that has the potential to stop the spread of cancer cells, as well as phytic acid as an antioxidant. 

24. NUTS Red beans, green beans, peanuts, and other nuts have a variety of essential nutrients that are beneficial to health. In addition to lignans and saponins, there are flavonoids, inositol, sterols, and prtease inhibitors that act as antioxidants. 

25. SWEET POTATO Sweet potatoes, whether orange, purple, or white contain important nutrients such as vitamins A, C, B6, potassium, and fiber. The orange sweet potato is believed to be one of the best sources of beta carotene and is able to increase the levels of vitamin A in the blood, especially in children. Meanwhile, purple sweet potatoes contain anthocyanins that act as antioxidants and anti-inflammatory.

26. CARROT It's no secret if carrots are rich in vitamin A and beta carotene. However, several recent studies have found that polyalkylene is a phytonutrient that is no less important in carrots. Polikatilen is known to inhibit the development of colon cancer cells. The study also found that carotenoids not only help prevent oxidative damage to the body, but also on polikatilen. 

27. CHILI Maybe some of you do not know if chili is actually rich in vitamin C which also serves as an antioxidant. Chili is also equipped with vitamins A, E, B complex, K, and other important minerals. Choose red pepper or wait until cooking chilies for maximum vitamin C and carotenoid availability.

28. PAPRIKA Still a family with chilies, peppers are also rich in antioxidant elements. Studies from Spain try to see the availability of vitamin C, E, and 6 types of carotenoids (alpha carotene, beta carotene, lycopene, lutein, cryptoxanthin, zeaxanthin) in various common foods consumed there. The result, only two vegetables, namely tomatoes and peppers, which contain at least 2/3 of the nutrients sought. Peppers even accounted for 12% of zeaxanthin and 7% vitamin C of all food items consumed by participants

29. BIT Bit, or beet root, is a kind of purple tubers commonly found in northern America. Not only contain lutein and zeaxanthin which are beneficial for eye health, jgua bits have unique phytonutrients named betalain. Two of these, betanin and vulgaxanthin, function as antioxidants, anti-inflammatory, and detoxify. Recent lab studies show that betanin extracted from bits can reduce the growth of brain tumor cells. 

30. EGGPLANT All types of eggplants are rich in chlorogenic acids that prevent the formation of plaque on artery walls. Based on USDA research in Maryland, eggplant can lower cholesterol levels and make the arterial wall work more relaxed so that the risk of high blood was reduced. 

31. PUMPKIN Pumpkin contains carotenoids in the form of beta carotene which gives it an orange color and healthy eyes. Not only that, pumpkin seeds are also rich in vitamin E in various forms. Two of them are present in the form of alpha tocomonoeol and gamma tocomonoeol which also have antioxidant benefits.

32. SESAME Behind its miniature, sesame is rich in powerful antioxidants such as IP-6, lignans, sesamin, sesaminol, vitamin E, lecithin, and linoleate. IP-6 or phytate is one of the potential natural anti-cancer compounds. Generally, black sesame contains higher antioxidants than chocolate sesame.

33. SUNFLOWER SEED Sunflower seeds, kuaci- is an excellent source of vitamin E for skin health. No wonder if the seeds of flowers are often used as beauty products. Vitamin E also can neutralize free radicals and provide anti-inflammatory effects that can relieve symptoms of asthma, osteoartitis, etc .. 

34. CORN Corn contains carotenoid antioxidants that give it a yellow color. Among the carotenoids, the most prominent are lutein and zeaxanthin. Lutein helps fight the degeneration of the elderly and blindness. One study in the Journal of Agricultural Food and Chemistry found that the longer the corn is cooked, the higher the lutein content in it. 

35. GARLIC One clove of garlic contains vitamin A, B, C, selenium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, zinc, and iron. Garlic is widely used as a traditional medicine and natural antibiotic. Among these are to lower blood pressure and cholesterol, detoxify heavy metals, prevent cancer, and anti-fungus

36. RED ONION Onions also have a high total polyphenol content, even higher than garlic, tomatoes, carrots, and red peppers. The onion also includes the best source of quercetin flavonoids among other vegetables. Only, onion flavonoids tend to be concentrated in the outer tuber layer. Excessive stripping can actually eliminate 20% quercetin and almost 75% anthocyanin from onion. 

37. NUT TREE Various tree nuts such as walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts, etc. are rich in phytochemical compounds such as resveratrol and plant sterols that help lower cholesterol. Peanuts are also equipped with minerals and healthy fats, especially walnuts that are the highest source of omega-3 among other plants. 

38. CINNAMON Cinnamon is rich in polyphenols and prosianidins. This antioxidant content is very strong when compared with other herbs such as ginger, mint, vanilla, licorice, and some additional chemical antioxidants. Cinnamon can inhibit the oxidation process stronger than chemical antioxidants and all the spices except mint. 

39. TURMERIC Turmeric contains curcumin which has antioxidant and anti inflammatory effect all at once. Turmeric itself is often used as a traditional medicine to treat joint pain in patients with rheumatism, cancer prevention, and cardiovascular system protection. 

40. GINGER Ginger extract is known to have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-tumor effects on body cells. Saripatinya containing 5% gingerol can even kill ovarian cancer cells in laboratory experiments conducted dr. Liu from the University of Michigan. 

41. OREGANO Oregano contains various phytonutrients including thymol and rosmarinic acid that act as antioxidants. In lab studies, oregano has a stronger antioxidant capacity than synthetic antioxidants commonly added to food. Oregano is a herb that we usually find found in pizza or spaghetti.
42. CLOVE Cloves are known for their ability as anti-bacterial and anti-fungal drugs. Not only that, cloves are also effective in relieving inflammation and toothache. Studies in 2009 also found that cloves include the best natural antioxidants because they have the highest capacity to reduce the peroxidation of fats and iron. 

43. WHEAT WHEAT Studies show that people who eat at least one serving of whole grains daily have a lower risk of heart attack and stroke. In addition to its zinc and selenium content, wheat also has phytochemical compounds that help fight heart disease and cancer.

44. POTATO Maybe not many people know if potatoes also have high antioxidants. Carotenoids are present throughout the surface of potato flesh. These carotenoids are generally lutein, zeaxanthin, and violaxanthin. There is only a small amount of beta carotene because potatoes are not the main source of vitamin A. Quoted from Wikipedia, Sorghum (Sorghum spp.) Is a versatile plant that can be used as a source of food, animal feed and industrial raw materials. As the fifth food ingredient, sorghum is ranked 5th after wheat, corn, rice, and barley. Sorghum is an important staple food in South Asia and sub-Saharan Africa.

45. The popularity of sorghum may still be less than rice and corn in Indonesia. However, who would have thought if sorghum turned out to have the potential as a source of the best antioxidants. Studies from the University of Georgia in 2010 and even showed that antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compounds in sorghum varieties of sumac and black are higher than those of blueberries and pomegranates. Unfortunately, these varieties are still being developed and have not been released into the market.

46. WHEY PROTEIN Whey protein is a protein powder derived from cow's milk. Whey provides essential amino acids that are essential for the production of glutathione antioxidants. Whey also contains glutamylcysteine which is bioactive in glutathione production. To get the most out, choose high-quality whey that is free from chemicals, hormones, and added sugars.

47. COFFEE Coffee contains antioxidants that offer protection against the cardiovascular system. In lab studies, caffeine acid also acts as an antioxidant at some stage of cancer development. Caffeine has managed to lower the inflammatory rate and encourage cancer cells to destroy itself.

48. CHOCOLATE Chocolate is rich in flavonoid antioxidants called catechins. Antioxidant catechins even account for 10% of the weight of dry cocoa powder when weighed. However, you need to know that the levels of cocoa antioxidants can decrease along with the many processes they undergo. Choose a good quality black chocolate that still has high cocoa levels and low sugar to get the benefits of antioxidants to the maximum. 

49. GREEN TEA Green tea contains catechin polyphenols in the form of EGCG which can lower the risk of heart attack and stroke, glaucoma, cholesterol, etc. Studies have also shown that EGCG can increase fat burning and prevent obesity. Just like cocoa, green tea antioxidants can be decreased due to processing so you need to carefully select them.

50. EGG During this time, the egg is known for its high protein content. But researchers from the University of Alberta revealed that the eggs also contain antioxidant compounds. They even say that 2 eggs of raw egg yolk have almost twice as much antioxidant compound than 1 apple and almost half of half the cranberry portion

However, the compound is reduced by half if the egg is fried or boiled, and reduced even more if microwaved.
It's a list of the best high-antioxidant foods for the body. Given the antioxidant content of one food to another is not the same, try to vary and combine some foods in your daily diet. Note also how to process it because it can reduce or even eliminate the antioxidants in it. Generally, fruits and vegetables are best if eaten fresh. However, some of them, such as tomatoes, actually increase when cooked with a temperature that is not too high.

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